It's always awesome to find a new location but it's even better when you get to bring one of your bestiest friends and her family (that you have basically adopted as your own family) to that location! We had to fight a little bit of rain sprinkles here and there, but the lighting was perfect and I couldn't have asked for a better day! The Manuel family and Rosedown Plantation in St. Francisville, Louisiana fit perfectly together for this session! So many different areas of the plantation led to the prettiest of pictures and we didn't even get to visit all of the special places in the plantation! For you viewing pleasure! The Manuel Family!
It's strange how certain people come into your life and instantly become family. You may connect over similar interest, children, sports... But with Sandra and I, we have connected on those things and more. What's weird about it is, not only have we become best friends along the road, like sisters, her children have also become my family. Photographing them has always seemed to have some sort of roadblock in the years we have been friends but I am very glad that I had the opportunity to gather this whole family together and update their pictures on their wall.

Love you Manuel Family, From the bottom of my heart. Kat To View Full Gallery Click Here-----> View My Photos